Sunday, September 19, 2010

laughing drunkenly``

It's almost certainly the whiskey: I'm laughing the way you see villians in DC comics do so; is down and it's wonderful. Even if i weren't filled with cola and additives(read as rye), I'd be laughing like this, not vocally probably, but to myself in my head.

But, something occurs to me; - click this link: - this comes off as smarmy bragging, okay thats not what occurs to me, thats obvious, and just fun to read. What occurs to me is; sure, they're right in that article; copyrightwingers can't touch us, dun nah nah nah, cant touch us (as the song goes); But. well.... they can... they, the ephemeral THEY, can touch us, in the real world mentioned in that liniked article; they CAN touch us, and they usually send their uniformed, badged, and inappropriately self- important friends to do the touching.
When you push and shove against litigious entities, and point out their impotence concerning litigious methods, history has shown they're glad to send in the storm troopers.
Hell, they'll even give up a cruiser or two to maker sure the rest of the sheep know what a terror you are and thank goodness you're being dealt(h) with.